Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Preparing for the next ALT 次のALTになる人のための準備

Over the past few months I've been preparing for the next ALT who will be coming in August. I have never been so organized! This was a great opportunity to get my things together, so that my successor can get started quickly and effectively. I wish I had been this organized when I first became an ALT! It's amazing how much motivation this opportunity has given me, but five years of experience certainly helps as well. I hope to be able to use the habits, experiences, and ideas I've created while working as an ALT in my future work as well.

私は、ここ数ヶ月間 次のALTになる人の為に、色々な準備をしよった。今までの人生の中で、一番と言ってもいいほど準備万端!この引継ぎのチャンスを有効につかおうと思い、自分の使っているものの整理整頓もばっちり。これで次のALTの人は、仕事がしやすいだろうと思う。


今度の8月で、私のALTとしての仕事は終わるけど、この5年間の間に学んだ事、培った習慣やアイディアを 将来の仕事につかっていければいいなーと思っている。