Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Shy Ducks
I tried to feed the ducks in Hidaka but they were too shy! Look how far away from humans they are staying in that picture. I threw bread at them, but they got scared and flew away. How frustrating. Here is a poem in Japanese and English about it. It's impossible to translate Haikus to and from English, but I think Double Dactyls are secretly the closest equivalent, so I wrote a Haiku and a Double Dactyl about the dastardly ducks.
Higgelty Piggelty
Hidaka's waterfowl
Shy to a fault; I can't
Make friends with ducks!
I throw the bait, but they're
Fresh out of bread and I'm
Fresh out of fucks.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Field Trip
I joined the Kusaka first and second graders for my first Japanese field trip! The kids made art with nature, made a new, donguri Eric sensei, and then tied the old Eric sensei up and left me in the woods. If anyone is reading this please send help or food to the Tsukimi mountain!
Friday, October 7, 2016
Undokai and Dance
everyone! I had a wonderful first month teaching in Hidaka. I went to four
Undokai. The memories that linger are dressing up as Dracula at Hidaka,
watching two wonderful dances at Kamo, being blown away by the cheers at Kusaka,
and the eclectic races at Nozu I got to participate in-- my family was curious
about why I had mochi flour all over my face! I was moved to see that the
students tried their best to win, but always prioritized helping and supporting
each other first.
Incidentally, the bento I was lucky enough to get at Kamo and Nozu were among the most amazing lunches I'd ever had.
This is
embarrassing, but my biggest worry coming to Hidaka was that I would not find a
chance to swing dance! This month I lead two dance classes and so many people
were kind enough to come and participate. I knew from seeing Yosakoi that
people from Kochi would have good rhythm and would learn quickly, but I had
never taught dance before. Real dancers were surprised when I told them I was
in charge. “Surely you’re not the teacher?!” They said. But just like the
Undokai, when I couldn’t explain the trick to a move, everyone helped each
other out and it as a result the classes went perfectly. Whether it is at an
Undokai or during a dance, helping and supporting each other above all else is
Hidaka’s most noble feature.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Making the kids play Ukulele ウクレレを子どもたちに引かせる
Imai san was nice enough to give me a ukulele. I'm very bad at making music, but I love to nonetheless. This week, I thought it would be fun to let the kids try it out, and taught them to play "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," which only has two chords. The kids who came to English Conversation also got to try it. Some students absolutely didn't want to try it, some wanted to after their friends had gone first, and one little four-year old wanted to try it so much he demanded a second sing-through! Who knew such fun things were happening in the library? You should definitely come check out English Conversation, Tuesdays at 6:00 in the library, and swing dance lessons, Mondays at 6:00 in the Hidaka library!
今井さんは最近優しくウクレレをくれました。下手草なのに、楽器を弾くのは大好きです。今週、子供たちを引かせるのは楽しいかなと思いました。それから、The Itsy Bitsy Spider という歌は二つのコードしかありませんから教えてみました。英会話に来た子供も引かせました。ある子どもは絶対にやってみたがっていなくて、ある子どもは友達がやってから少しやってみたがって、ある四歳の子がすごくやりたくて二回謳わせました。こんな素敵な事は図書館だ行っているか知りましたか?火曜日の六時、英会話があって、月曜日の六時スイングダンス教室を教えますから、興味があれば来てください!
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Fishing 釣り
On Saturday I was invited to go fishing! Of the cool breeze, gentle sea, warm smiles and unencumbered laughter I experienced, how could my words possibly do any justice? TvT
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Medaka Festival メダカ祭り
I went to the Medaka Matsuri on Thursday. It was a fair celebrating tiny, minnow-like fish that are fried and eaten like a crunchy topping. The festival was full of artisan crafts as well as food and sweets. I caught bugs with some kids and they took a picture of me as Mohei the Ninja. We had a disagreement over whether me walking back to the festival when they were busy digging in the dirt counted as "escaping" or whether you had to run to escape someone.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Sports Festival 運動会
I went to my first Japanese sports festival at Hidaka Junior High and my second at the Kamo school. After this are the Nozu and Kusaka festivals. Sports festivals are such events in Japan! The games looked like a lot of fun, and the kids exercised so much. I don't think it would be possible to get 12 American middle schoolers to jump rope at the same time.
At the Hidaka sports festival the sensei dressed up as obake to surprise the children. I dressed up as Dracula, and tried my best to make the kids laugh with my patented "vampire walk." I wonder if they found it scary, though...
Thursday, September 15, 2016
New ALT エリックの自己紹介
Hello, my name is Eric. I’m Hidaka’s new ALT and this is my first year in Japan. I am happily getting used to Hidaka, even the September heat! Many things about Hidaka are pleasantly surprising. I didn’t realize the Niyodo River would be so close, and so pretty. I swim in it almost every day. I was told that Kochi people would be kind, but did not know everyone from store workers to neighbors to children would welcome me, greet me, and be so eager to help me. It’s a little different from crowded Chicago, my hometown. My first few classes have been a lot of fun. The children all work hard, enjoy themselves, and seem to like English a lot! They’re quite good at English as well. That must be thanks to their teachers and the previous ALT, Donald Smith. I have enjoyed meeting many new people at Hidaka’s summer festivals. My favorite so far was the festival where we ran on tatami over the Niyodo River. It was harder than I thought, but it was an honor to be cheered on and get to cheer my fellow competitors. I will always treasure that memory, until I am an old person in a rocking chair. It’s nice to meet you all!
Monday, July 18, 2016
Adieu 別れ
Experiencing everyday school life in Japan was delightful. We had many fun classes together, teachers and students alike. Due to their English coursework, the English of students from the schools of Hidaka Village, as well as Kamo Elementary and Junior High, has improved immensely. After I’m gone, students will continue with their English education, and I hope that their English level will continue to improve exponentially.Though I will miss living in Hidaka, we must continue to do our best on our respective paths.Thank you for two years of growth and personal realization.
日本での学校生活を経験でき、素晴らしいと思いました。生徒さんや先生方などととても楽しい授業をたくさん経験することが出来ました。本当に日高村小中学校と加茂小中学校の生徒の皆さんは、これまでの英語の授業を通して、英語が上手になりました。私は帰国しますが、これからも、生徒さんが英語を勉強しつづけて、皆さんの英語力がレベルアップすることを望んでいます。日高村の皆さんと会えなくなるので、寂しくなりますが,お互いに一生懸命頑張りましょう。自分自身成長し、色んな気づきを得ることができた二年間でした。どうもありがとうございました。 翻訳の改訂と修正;下元伸博と松岡律子
Friday, June 10, 2016
English Class Jaunt: A Day Trip by Car through Kochi 英会話クラスの高知日帰りドライブの旅行
The students from my English Conversation class took me on a driving trip around Kochi for the day. Since I have an interest in perusing old books written using historical kana orthography, we first went to a bookseller that specializes in old Japanese books. Afterward, we went to see the bronze statue of Sakamoto Ryoma in Katsurahama, also taking some time out to visit the nearby aquarium there. Next, we went to the Kochi Ryoma airport for lunch. After that, we went to the Noichi Zoo and saw a plethora of different animals. While on our way back home, we spotted a car flipped on its side in the middle of the street. We, along with other pedestrians, helped the passenger and driver out of the wreck, and flipped the car right-side up. Everyone was relieved that both driver and passenger were safe and unharmed. It was a hot and humid day and all of us were exhausted afterward, but it was a wonderful adventure. Thank you so much, English class!
英会話の生徒の皆さんが、私を、日帰りで、高知を巡るドライブに連れて行ってくれました。私は、歴史的仮名遣で書かれた古い本を繙く趣味があるので、古書を専門に扱っている本屋に最初に行きました。その後、桂浜へ坂本龍馬銅像を眺めに行きました。近くの水族館も訪ねる時間を取りました。次に、高知龍馬空港へ昼食に行きました。それから、野市動物公園へ行き、色んな動物をたくさん観ました。日高村に帰っている最中に、道の真ん中で横転している車を遭遇しました。私達は、他の通行人と、協力して壊れた車から運転手と同乗者を助け出し、車を正しい方向に戻しました。私達は、運転手と同乗者が無事で怪我もなかったので安心しました。その日はとても暑かったし、湿気もあったので、とても疲れました。けれど、楽しい一日となりました。英会話の生徒の皆さん、本当にありがとうございました! 翻訳の改訂と修正;下元伸博
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Osaka 大阪
This golden week I took a trip to Osaka City with my friend, Tomas. This was my second time visiting to Osaka. We went and saw a really beautiful Shinto Shrine in Fukushima ward. There were many intricate carvings there. We also went and saw the National Museum of Art on Nakano Island in Kita Ward. We saw many interesting paintings. I snapped a ton of photos. We walked around so much that my legs are still sore, but it was still quite fun.
ゴールデンウィークにトーマスという友達と大阪市へ行きました。これは、私にとって二度目の大阪への訪問になりました。福島区で美しい神社を見てきました。そこには込み入った彫刻がたくさんありました。私達は、北区の中之島にある国立国際美術館も見てきました。面白い絵画をたくさん見ました。私はたくさんの写真を撮りました。私達は大阪中を歩き回って、まだ足が痛いけど、結構楽しかったです。 翻訳の改訂と修正;下元伸博と曽我部観代と河野美佑貴
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
An old book 古書
I’ve recently gotten into reading crime-fiction novels. I never realized how much I enjoy them, though it’s also likely I’ve grown to like them more in my old age. It all started a few months ago, when, while perusing the foreign novel section at Book-Off, I stumbled upon a mystery novel written in the 1950s. The book was moldy and discolored, its pages worn and torn, but in surprisingly good condition for being so old. I bought it without even looking at the title, just to have something different to read. Little did I know I already knew it intimately! As it turns out, the novel is part of a famous book series that was also made into a popular TV show in the 1960s. I used to watch this show with my father as a boy; my father also watched the show in his youth. To think I would find a thing with so many childhood memories attached to it here, in Kochi, Japan of all places! Perry Mason, which was created by the American author Erle Stanley Gardner in 1933, stars the title character, a man who goes around solving mysteries much like a detective, though he is in fact an active barrister. The book was written a long time ago, and is very dated, but it’s still fun and exciting to read, and above all else, it reminds me of my boyhood.
最近私は探偵小説に興味を持ち始めました。今まで探偵小説はおもしろいと思ったことはありませんでしたが、年齢を重ねるとともに考えが変わって来ました。数ヶ月前に、ブックオフで外国語の小説のセクションで本をみていたら、1950年代に執筆された探偵小説を見つけました。その本は黴が生え、変色し、ページは擦り切れたり破れたりしていましたが、古い割に保存状態が良く、驚きました。いつも読んでいるジャンルの本とは違うものを読みたかったので、タイトルも見ずに購入しました。その本の内容は、私がもうすでに良く知っているものであるとは、購入時には知る由もありませんでした。結果的にその本は有名なシリーズの中の一作で、1960年代にテレビ化されたものでした。私は幼少期に、父と一緒にその番組を見ました。父もまた幼少期にその番組を見たそうです。自分の子供時代の時と関わりのあるものを、日本で、しかもここ高知県で発見するとは思ってもみなかったです。『ペリー・メイスン』は、1933年代にアメリカの作家E・S・ガードナーが書いた推理小説シリーズのタイトルおよびその主人公の名前で、彼はまるで探偵の様に神秘的な出来事を謎といていく弁護士です。この本は昔書かれたものなので、内容は古いですが今日読んでもまだ楽しめ、なにより幼少期のことを思い出させてくれます。 翻訳の改訂と修正;ジョンソン美生
Friday, March 11, 2016
Springtide 春
The weather is warming up; sunny days are becoming the norm; flowers are blooming; more and more people are wearing white surgical masks; what does all this mean? Spring has finally come! And it couldn’t come at a more perfect time. Though the snow we had in winter was very pretty, it was much too cold. I much prefer this spring weather. It feels as if mornings where my floor isn’t ice cold, and my car windows aren’t covered in ice; middays where I can study at home without wearing three or more sweaters; nights where I can read books without having to be under a Kotatsu, have all finally returned to the village. I’m quite enthusiastic about the nice weather, but not about the accompanying return of my pollen allergies!
次第に気温が上がって来ています。晴れの日も増えています。花も咲きはじめました。マスクを付けている人が多くなっています。それはどういう意味でしょうか?やっと、春が来たんです!今は初春の最高のタイミングだと思います。冬に降った雪は綺麗でしたけれども、あまりに寒すぎました。私は、この春の天候がとても好みです。氷のように冷たい床の上ではなく、車窓が氷で覆われず、薄着で勉強する。そして炬燵の中で縮こまることなく読書に集中していると冬が本当に終わったんだなあと、今、私は感じています。だから、天気がいいと意気込みややる気が出てきます。でも、花粉症はいやです! 翻訳の改訂と修正;島村和久
Friday, February 12, 2016
Niyodo River 仁淀川
I enjoy visiting the Niyodo River whenever the weather isn’t too extreme. When I stare out at the riverscape, its view reminds me of home. While still living in California, I was 10-minutes away from the ocean. As a child, my family and I went to the local marina fairly often for barbecues, birthdays and family trips; as an adolescent I went there occasionally whenever there were things on my mind and needed a place to take a long walk to consider them. For me, being near flowing water is quite pleasant; this is the chief reason why I enjoying going to the Niyodo River. For every moment I stare out upon the efflux of water demarcating the river, the more I feel as if tranquility and serenity are within my grasp. The scenery is beautiful no matter what the weather, but particularly when the weather is good (and sometimes even when it’s not), I try to visit as often as possible.
普段、そんなに天候が悪くなかったら、仁淀川へ行って楽んでいます。仁淀川で、川面をみていると、いつもアメリカの故郷のことを思い出します。米国の加州では海から車で10分の場所に住んでいました。幼いときは、家族と、バーベキューしたり、家族旅行をしたり、誕生日会をしたりするために何度も地元のマリーナに行きました。少し大人になると心の中でわいてくることに考えを巡らせたり、考えを纏めたいときにこのマリーナに、よく長時間の散歩に向かったものです。過ぎゆく日々、この仁淀川の水の流れを見れば見るほど、自分自身が和やかになって、自分の生まれ故郷を思い出します。だから、水の近くに居ることはとても気持ちがいいです。天気に拘らずその風景は綺麗です。特に晴れの日には、できるだけ多く川辺に居るようにしています。(時には悪天候のときにも) 翻訳の改訂と修正;島村和久
Monday, January 11, 2016
Shimane Prefecture Trip 島根旅行
Last year, in the last week of November, I went on a retreat to Shimane prefecture with the teachers of Hidaka Junior High School. We went by bus, which took 5 hours in total. Though long, since it was so cozy inside the cabin, it wasn’t too bad of a ride. While on the way there, we stopped and ate at various delicious eateries and restaurants. Upon our arrival in Shimane prefecture, we visited Izumo Grand Shrine, one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan. Though it’s incredibly old, my first impression upon entry was that the place looked absolutely brand new. Afterward, we spent the night at a big and luxurious Japanese hotel. While there, I visited an onsen for the first time. Because I went in together with Principal Yoshioka, I was able to enter no problem and enjoy a quick dip in the water. While hanging out with the teachers I was also able to glean a few new Japanese words by ear, including 「一服する」, which means “to have a smoke”; 「別腹」 which means “dessert stomach”; 「試食する」 : “sampling food”; and finally, 「風情」, a word whose meaning can be translated as “elegance” or “charm”. The trip was very enjoyable! Thanks for the good times!
去年の十一月下旬に日高中学校の先生方と旅行に行きました。島根県に行きました。バスで五時間位かかりましたけど、バスの中は居心地よかったので、とても乗りやすかったです。途中で食堂やレストランに寄り色々美味しいものを食べました。島根県では、日本で一番最古の神社である出雲大社を訪ねました。出雲大社はとても古いのですが、私には真新しく見えました。出雲大社を出た後、豪華で大きな旅館に一泊泊まりました。そこで私は温泉に初めて入りました。吉岡校長先生と一緒に入り、温泉でひと風呂浴びることができました。その他にも、私は 、先生方を遊びながら、先生方から「一服する」、「別腹」、「試食」、「風情」という新しい日本語を聞き覚えました。旅行がすごく楽しかったです。素晴らしい時間をありがとうございました! 翻訳の確認;島村和久と下元伸博
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