Friday, May 9, 2014

Time with Friends

Time with Friends
How do you like to spend time with your friends? I enjoy a lot of activities like hiking, potluck dinners, drinking out, karaoke, but there is one activity I prefer over the rest, and I will tell you why. My favorite way to spend time with friends is gathered around a table playing a game. I don't mean a video game, I'm talking about a different kind of game. I like to play tabletop board games, card games, and role-playing games. Probably not the ones you're familiar with like poker or monopoly. My favorite games are those where the players work together to make a story while they play. We call them collaborative storytelling games. Maybe we can play together some day.

あなたは、ど うやって友達と時間を過ごす? 私はハイキング、持ち寄りの食事会や飲み会、カラオケなどが好きながやけんど、一番好きな時間の過ごし方は、みんなでテーブルを囲んでボードゲームやカードゲーム、テーブル トークRPGゲームをすることや。このゲームは、テレビゲームとは違う。ポーカーやモノポリーともまた違うから、みんなはよう知らんかもしれん。中でも私が一番好きなのは、みんなで遊びながら協力して 一つの物語を作りあげるゲーム。英語では「storytelling game」と呼ぶ。機会があったら一緒にしてみよう!

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