Thursday, December 9, 2010

Culture Shock

I'm going home to VA for Christmas and New Years.  I haven't been home in a year and five months.  When I went home after studying in Tokyo for four months I had a major culture shock in the airport at Dallas, Texas.  I've never had a shocking culture shock in Japan.  I'm wondering if I will have much worse shock this time.  I'm looking forward to it anyway!


Sunday, November 7, 2010


 Photo credit goes to: D Sharon Pruitt

My favorite Holiday in America is Thanksgiving.  It's a harvest and thanks-giving festival originally celebrating the Native Americans that helped the earliest European settlers in America.  We eat roast turkey, potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and various other traditional foods and we tell our family what we're thankful for.  It's a time to be appreciative of family, food, and the fruit of our labor.  It also happens in my favorite season when the air is cool and the leaves are colorful and change is afoot.  This year, I will celebrate with my friends here in Hidaka.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kyushu and Yakushima

I went on a solo trip to Kyushu over silver week.  I went to Sasebo, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, and Yakushima.  I met other ALTs in Sasebo and Kagoshima and then went into Nagasaki city and onto Yakushima by myself.  I wanted to go to both places alone so that I could take time and reflect on myself and the actions of the past, before my time.  It was a good trip.


Monday, September 6, 2010

My Family

My family came to Hidaka in August.  My eikaiwa class treated us to a feast so big we couldn't finish it and danced Yosakoi for us as well.  I showed my family the Yosakoi festival, some waterfalls, the Niyodo river, Omura shrine, a kaiten sushi restaurant, an udon store, and Restaurant Kochi.  Mr. Yokoyama invited us to Karaoke at his store and Tasha's Ms. Yano helped my mom wear a yukata for the first time.  They had a great time!


Sunday, August 1, 2010


One of the reasons I love Kochi is the water.  There's water everywhere!  I've been rafting on the Yoshino river, surfing at Irino and Futami beaches, catching shrimp at the Niyodo river, slowly floating down the Shimanto river with friends, swimming under the waterfalls of the Yasui valley,  and bathing at onsen all throughout the prefecture.  There's so much water to enjoy!


Monday, July 5, 2010

The Internet

The Internet is a very important part of my life in Japan.  I use it to keep up with my family and friends in the U.S.A., organize my schedule and lessons, communicate with other ALTs and CIRs in Kochi and elsewhere in Japan, and for fun.  Recently I started recording a podcast about Kochi and teaching English here.  It's all in English, but if you want to have a listen check out  A podcast is like a radio broadcast over the Internet.  You can also read all of the English versions of this journal at


Monday, June 14, 2010


Because I am from a rural area in Virginia and now live in a rural part of Japan, I often compare them in my mind.  So I thought I would share some differences.  In Japan most wide open spaces are used for rice (left picture) while in Virginia they're either used for hay (right picture), cattle, or left unused.  This makes the countryside look completely different as you can see.  One thing that is very similar are the mountains.  I recently borrowed two books from the library that show lots of hiking courses around the mountains in Kochi.  I'm planning to hike all 100 or so of them during the Summer!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

The musical is over for now

I spent almost every weekend from February through April practicing for the Tosaben musical.  We had good times and great times.  I learned tons of Tosaben while learning my lines and while listening to everyone else.  Now that its over and I have free time it feels a bit strange.  Thanks to everyone who came to see it and who donated!  We will be able to sponsor two students studying abroad this year.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Traveling with my Brother

My brother and three of his friends came to visit Japan recently.  You may have seen them with me in the village while they were here.  We traveled around inside Tokyo city then went to Kyoto.  From there we visited Himeji, Nara, Koyasan, and Osaka.  We ended our trip here in Kochi.  I took them to the waterfalls in Niyodogawa-cho and then we stopped by Yuu no Mori onsen.  I had a lot of fun seeing my brother and visiting many parts of Japan for the first time.

最近お兄さんと友達の三人が訪日した。もしかしたら私達が一緒に村内にいた時見たかもしれません。 日高村に来る前に東京で遊んだりして、京都に行った。あそこから姫路も奈良も大阪も和歌山県の高野山にも行った。最後に高知県に着いた。仁淀川町の滝まで連れて行って湯の森温泉によった。お兄さんと日本のたくさんのところを見ることでよく楽しめた。

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tosaben Musical

These are my first tabi.  They are part of my Okappiki costume for the upcoming Tosaben Musical.  It's a musical performed by Kochi JETs like me (ALTs and CIRs), and it's all performed in Tosa-ben!  I will be in two dances and I have quite a few lines of dialog, but I won't be singing.  Please come see the show, it will run from April 17th to April 25th all throughout the prefecture.

これは僕の始めての足袋 。もうすぐ私が出る土佐弁ミュージカルの岡っ引きの衣装の一部。このミュージカルは高知県のALTとCIR達が土佐弁でパーフォマンスする。僕は二つの踊りをしたり、かなり多い台詞も言ったりしているけど、歌に出ない。ぜひ見にきてください。公演は県内で四月十七日から四月に十五日までの土日に色んな会場で行う。

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I went to the Akiba festival in Niyodogawa town on February 11th despite the rainy weather.  I'm glad I did!  I parked at the bottom parking lot and enjoyed walking all the way up to the shrine at the top.  It was a nice short little hike and good exercise.  The two most amazing things to me were the pole throwing and the shaking of the portable shrine.  I was also surprised that so many people made the trip out to Niyodogawa town despite the rain.  A lot of the stories meanings of the festivals are very difficult to understand across cultures, but are still very interesting regardless.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Haran and Movies

As my co-workers already know.  I'm fascinated by Haran.  Do you know about haran?  Its a leaf that is cut into beautiful designs and displayed on serving plates.  A long time ago, the little green plastic saw-tooth grass in bentou used to be made of the same leaf.  Sometime this year I'm going to make a short film telling the simple story of this art and how I came across it.

ハランと言う植物に興味を持った。葉蘭していますか?葉蘭の葉っぱは料理の飾り物です。 上手な人は刃物できれいなデザインを切って飾る。今弁当のなかにあるギザギザのみどりのプラの葉っぱは昔本物の葉蘭だった。今年いつか葉蘭について簡単なドキュメンタリーを作るつみりです。