Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Trip with Chie-san

In early November, before the cold came, I went on an outdoor adventure with some new friends in Hidaka Village. One of them was Chie Inoue, who works at the Town Office. The others were her friends: Ozaki-san, Morita-san, and Abe-san. Together, the five of us went to Ootaki Mountain and Saruda Cave. Ootaki Mountain was an exceedingly beautiful place, peaceful and serene. The hike up was fairly rigorous, but enjoyable. Being surrounded by so many large and old trees was humbling. Saruda Cave was also very cool. It was an honor to visit the place where Kusaka Mohei trained all those years ago. The cave was dark, cold, and very small—for me at least, because I’m so big! I felt quite gallant and lionhearted whilst climbing over the large boulders and romping through the many underground streams, but man oh man, was it tough for me! After everything was said and done, my body was sore for almost two days afterward. My new friends are definitely more athletic and fit than I; they climbed the mountain and traversed the cave very easily. I had a great time, but absolutely the coolest part of the trek was discovering parts of the village that I never knew existed.

寒さが厳しくなる前の11月初めに、日高村を新しい友達と一緒に冒険しました。メンバーは 尾崎さん、森田さん、安部さん、そして同じ役場で働いている井上智恵さんでした。私たちは大滝山と猿田洞に行きました。大滝山はすごく綺麗で、そしてとても静かなところでした。山に登るのは大変だったけど、楽しかったです。たくさんの大きな木に囲まれて、自分がとても小さく感じました。そして心が癒されて、リラックスできました。猿田洞もすごかったです。洞窟の中は、暗くて、寒くて、そして私にとってはとても狭かったです。だって私は背が高いから!何百年も前に日下茂平が修行をした場所を、新しい友達と訪れることができて、とても素晴らしい経験をしました。洞窟内の大きな岩を登ったり、下に流れる小川の上を歩いたりしていると、なんだか本当の冒険みたいで自分がかっこよく感じました。みんなでたくさん楽しむことができました。今回の冒険の中で一番良かったことは、私が知らなかった場所を見ることができたことです。その日の冒険が終わったあと、私はとても疲れました。そして2日間、筋肉痛になりました。それに比べて、私の新しい友達は簡単に山に登ったり、洞窟をスイスイ進んでいくので、彼らはとてもタフだと間違いなく言えます。    翻訳;橋本 佳奈

Monday, November 10, 2014

Japanese TV Part 1: Cooking Shows 日本のテレビ パート1 料理番組

Japanese TV Part 1: Cooking Shows
Lately I’ve been watching a lot of Japanese TV. It’s pretty different from American TV. I don’t understand much of it, except the occasional word or two, but it’s still fun to watch and it’s good listening practice for my Japanese language studies. I watch cooking shows and anime almost everyday. The most fun to watch is the anime, with Case Closed and The Seven Deadly Sins being two favorites of mine. I love manga, and there’s nothing better than seeing the images I enjoyed reading taken from the page and given life on the television screen. While anime is exciting, I watch cooking shows the most. There are just so many of them!  From the moment I switched on my first Japanese television set and perused the channels, I wondered: “Why is every show about cooking?” There are many shows in the U.S. about cooking too, with most of them chronicling the careers of professional chefs and restaurateurs. Japan has a few shows like this too, but the majority of its culinary-related programming isn’t about people preparing or selling food: it’s about people eating it!

日本のテレビ パート1 料理番組
つい最近、いろんな日本のテレビ番組を見ました。日本のテレビ番組はアメリカと少し違います。私は全部は分からないけれど、一つや二つの単語は聞きとることができます。テレビを見るのは楽しいし、私の日本語の練習にもなります。私は毎日料理番組とアニメを見ています。その中でもアニメが一番面白いです。お気に入りのアニメは名探偵コナンと七つの大罪です。また私は漫画も好きです。漫画で読んだ物語が、テレビで動いているのを見るととてもわくわくします。アニメも好きですが、それ以上に料理番組を多く見ています。日本にはたくさんの料理番組があります。日本のテレビを見始めてから、『なんでほとんどの番組が料理番組なのか?』と不思議に思ったくらいです。アメリカにもたくさんの料理番組があります。アメリカのほとんどの料理番組はレストランのオーナーか、プロの料理人がやっています。日本の料理番組のほとんどが調理をしているところではなくて、人が食べている場面が多いです!   翻訳;橋本 佳奈

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Smith's First Post: First Impressions!

Hidaka Village is a very charming place. It is very different from California, where I’m from. The most noticeable difference for me is the weather. Where I’m from in California, it’s windy and cold. Arriving in Hidaka Village in early August, it was especially hot. As soon as I set foot off the plane, I thought to myself: “Everything is so green and beautiful. Everyone is so nice. But damn is it humid!” It’s cooled down quite a bit since then due to the change in season, and I am grateful. This new autumn weather makes me happy. I’m not a fan of the heat, but I love Hidaka Village! Everyone in town is very friendly. The food here is exceptionally delectable. As an assistant teacher, I am able to work with many talented teachers and bright and energetic kids. My coworkers at the Board of Education are also very kind and helpful. Japan is a very cool place. I look forward to continuing my work here with everyone!

日高村はとても魅力的な村です。私が住んでいたカリフォルニアとは全く違います。一番違うのは、天気です。カリフォルニアは、風が強くて寒いです。私が8月に日高村に来たとき、とても暑かったです。龍馬空港に降りたとき、‘緑が多くてとても綺麗だ。みんないい人たちだなあ。でも湿っぽい!’と思いました。けれど今はとても過ごしやすくなりました。この季節は私を幸せにしてくれます。私は暑いのは嫌いですが、日高村はとても好きです!みなさんとても親切で、食べ物もとても美味しいです。たくさんのすばらしい先生方と賢く元気な子供たちと一緒に仕事ができて嬉しいです。私と一緒に仕事をしている教育委員会のみなさんもとても優しくて、私の手助けをしてくれます。日本はとてもいい国です。これからもよろしくお願いします!   翻訳;橋本 佳奈

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Mark's Last Entry マークの最後の記事

My term as an ALT has come to an end. I have a great mixture of emotions: appreciation for all of the things I've learned, people I've met, and skills I've gained; hope for the next ALT's success and the student's futures; relief from some of the difficulties of the job; excitement for my future plans; happiness that I could have this wonderful experience; and sadness that it is over.

I will be returning to Hidaka at the end of the year, but the close relationships with the students, teachers, and other coworkers that I have developed over the past five years will grow distant, and there are many who I won't see on a regular basis anymore. For that I am sad, but also immensely grateful for the opportunity to have made those relationships in the first place. To have been placed in such a warm, friendly village where I would make an exciting new life and new family is something I cannot adequately express enough thanks for.

So many people tell me that they regularly read my articles in this newsletter, others greet me on the street or in the supermarket and thanks to all this, I feel a welcome member of the community. I hope to continue to offer what I can to the people of Hidaka when I return, albeit as a private instructor to many fewer students than I have taught up until now. While my reach may be shorter, I hope to teach much more effectively to those students that do come and learn from me than I could in a large classroom. I'm looking forward to it!





Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Preparing for the next ALT 次のALTになる人のための準備

Over the past few months I've been preparing for the next ALT who will be coming in August. I have never been so organized! This was a great opportunity to get my things together, so that my successor can get started quickly and effectively. I wish I had been this organized when I first became an ALT! It's amazing how much motivation this opportunity has given me, but five years of experience certainly helps as well. I hope to be able to use the habits, experiences, and ideas I've created while working as an ALT in my future work as well.

私は、ここ数ヶ月間 次のALTになる人の為に、色々な準備をしよった。今までの人生の中で、一番と言ってもいいほど準備万端!この引継ぎのチャンスを有効につかおうと思い、自分の使っているものの整理整頓もばっちり。これで次のALTの人は、仕事がしやすいだろうと思う。


今度の8月で、私のALTとしての仕事は終わるけど、この5年間の間に学んだ事、培った習慣やアイディアを 将来の仕事につかっていければいいなーと思っている。

Friday, May 9, 2014

Time with Friends

Time with Friends
How do you like to spend time with your friends? I enjoy a lot of activities like hiking, potluck dinners, drinking out, karaoke, but there is one activity I prefer over the rest, and I will tell you why. My favorite way to spend time with friends is gathered around a table playing a game. I don't mean a video game, I'm talking about a different kind of game. I like to play tabletop board games, card games, and role-playing games. Probably not the ones you're familiar with like poker or monopoly. My favorite games are those where the players work together to make a story while they play. We call them collaborative storytelling games. Maybe we can play together some day.

あなたは、ど うやって友達と時間を過ごす? 私はハイキング、持ち寄りの食事会や飲み会、カラオケなどが好きながやけんど、一番好きな時間の過ごし方は、みんなでテーブルを囲んでボードゲームやカードゲーム、テーブル トークRPGゲームをすることや。このゲームは、テレビゲームとは違う。ポーカーやモノポリーともまた違うから、みんなはよう知らんかもしれん。中でも私が一番好きなのは、みんなで遊びながら協力して 一つの物語を作りあげるゲーム。英語では「storytelling game」と呼ぶ。機会があったら一緒にしてみよう!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tosaben Musical - Thank you!

土佐弁ミュージカル  ありがとう!


This year's Tosaben musical is over. We had a very successful fund-raiser thanks to everyone's donations and support. It was incredibly fun, educational, and I made a lot of new friends, all together an unforgettable experience. I'm really glad I decided to join in this year, it was definitely worth the time and effort spent.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

2014 Tosaben Musical

This years Tosaben Musical combines the stories of Harry Potter and John Manjiro, with some gags and puns and lots of Tosaben! I'm playing Ron, so come out and see me and my fellow ALTs tour the prefecture and do our best speaking Tosaben on stage.


3月29日(土)本山町 プラチナセンター 14:00
3月30日(日)室戸市 保健福祉センターやすらぎ 13:00
安芸市* 市民会館 18:00
4月5日(土)香南市 弁天座 13:00
四万十市* 市立文化センター 18:30
4月6日(日)土佐市* USAくろしおセンター 12:00
高知市* 県民文化ホール(グリーンホール)18:30

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Years in Tokyo お正月は東京で!

My wife and I went to visit her family living in Tokyo for New Years. I was shocked. Tokyo was so quiet and empty, it was like we arrived in some other city. The trains were comfortable and always had seats for one thing. We went to Yomiuri Land on the 1st, and the park was pretty close to empty. I have to say, if you're looking for something to do during New Years next year, Tokyo is a lot more laid back. On the other hand, a lot of the smaller shops are closed... just like everywhere else. It was nice to get out of Kochi for a change of pace, but I'm glad to be back.

正月に妻と一緒に  妻の実家、東京に行って、家族で正月を過ごした。東京は 静かで 空いていて、まるで他の町のようで ビックリした。電車も空いていて、どこに行っても特に込んでいなかった。元日に、読売ランドという遊園地に行った時も、空いてて、たくさんの乗り物に乗れた。もし来年のお正月、時間があれば東京に行くことをおすすめする。もちろん小さい店はしまっていたが、それはどこでもそうだと思う。旅行に行ってリフレッシュできてよかったけど、やっぱり高知に帰ってきて嬉しい!