Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Years in Tokyo お正月は東京で!

My wife and I went to visit her family living in Tokyo for New Years. I was shocked. Tokyo was so quiet and empty, it was like we arrived in some other city. The trains were comfortable and always had seats for one thing. We went to Yomiuri Land on the 1st, and the park was pretty close to empty. I have to say, if you're looking for something to do during New Years next year, Tokyo is a lot more laid back. On the other hand, a lot of the smaller shops are closed... just like everywhere else. It was nice to get out of Kochi for a change of pace, but I'm glad to be back.

正月に妻と一緒に  妻の実家、東京に行って、家族で正月を過ごした。東京は 静かで 空いていて、まるで他の町のようで ビックリした。電車も空いていて、どこに行っても特に込んでいなかった。元日に、読売ランドという遊園地に行った時も、空いてて、たくさんの乗り物に乗れた。もし来年のお正月、時間があれば東京に行くことをおすすめする。もちろん小さい店はしまっていたが、それはどこでもそうだと思う。旅行に行ってリフレッシュできてよかったけど、やっぱり高知に帰ってきて嬉しい!