Thursday, October 9, 2014

Smith's First Post: First Impressions!

Hidaka Village is a very charming place. It is very different from California, where I’m from. The most noticeable difference for me is the weather. Where I’m from in California, it’s windy and cold. Arriving in Hidaka Village in early August, it was especially hot. As soon as I set foot off the plane, I thought to myself: “Everything is so green and beautiful. Everyone is so nice. But damn is it humid!” It’s cooled down quite a bit since then due to the change in season, and I am grateful. This new autumn weather makes me happy. I’m not a fan of the heat, but I love Hidaka Village! Everyone in town is very friendly. The food here is exceptionally delectable. As an assistant teacher, I am able to work with many talented teachers and bright and energetic kids. My coworkers at the Board of Education are also very kind and helpful. Japan is a very cool place. I look forward to continuing my work here with everyone!

日高村はとても魅力的な村です。私が住んでいたカリフォルニアとは全く違います。一番違うのは、天気です。カリフォルニアは、風が強くて寒いです。私が8月に日高村に来たとき、とても暑かったです。龍馬空港に降りたとき、‘緑が多くてとても綺麗だ。みんないい人たちだなあ。でも湿っぽい!’と思いました。けれど今はとても過ごしやすくなりました。この季節は私を幸せにしてくれます。私は暑いのは嫌いですが、日高村はとても好きです!みなさんとても親切で、食べ物もとても美味しいです。たくさんのすばらしい先生方と賢く元気な子供たちと一緒に仕事ができて嬉しいです。私と一緒に仕事をしている教育委員会のみなさんもとても優しくて、私の手助けをしてくれます。日本はとてもいい国です。これからもよろしくお願いします!   翻訳;橋本 佳奈