Monday, July 18, 2016

Adieu 別れ

I had many a great experience in Hidaka Village. My time here was a rigorous and deeply educational affair throughout: I accomplished my plan of studying Japanese grammar and vocabulary nightly; I took the N3 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Exam; and I became able to talk to many of my fascinating co-workers in Japanese. The more and more I study Japanese, the more I feel as if I understand nothing about it, but because I relish in learning new things, it’s quite absorbing. If I can learn to speak grammatically correct, I’ll be able to convey my unvarnished thoughts, give apposite retorts to queries, and use precise yet natural phraseology in conversation; ergo, I plan to continue my Japanese studies upon my homecoming.
Experiencing everyday school life in Japan was delightful. We had many fun classes together, teachers and students alike. Due to their English coursework, the English of students from the schools of Hidaka Village, as well as Kamo Elementary and Junior High, has improved immensely. After I’m gone, students will continue with their English education, and I hope that their English level will continue to improve exponentially.Though I will miss living in Hidaka, we must continue to do our best on our respective paths.Thank you for two years of growth and personal realization.


日本での学校生活を経験でき、素晴らしいと思いました。生徒さんや先生方などととても楽しい授業をたくさん経験することが出来ました。本当に日高村小中学校と加茂小中学校の生徒の皆さんは、これまでの英語の授業を通して、英語が上手になりました。私は帰国しますが、これからも、生徒さんが英語を勉強しつづけて、皆さんの英語力がレベルアップすることを望んでいます。日高村の皆さんと会えなくなるので、寂しくなりますが,お互いに一生懸命頑張りましょう。自分自身成長し、色んな気づきを得ることができた二年間でした。どうもありがとうございました。  翻訳の改訂と修正下元伸博と松岡律子