Thursday, November 19, 2015

The 7th Annual Tanada Candle Festival 第7回 次棚田キャンドル祭

In early October, I went to see the Tanada Candle Festival in Tsuno-town in Kochi Prefecture. For the festival, 5000 candles were lit and festooned along the brims of the terraced rice fields which adorn the hills and pathways overspreading the Tsuno landscape, an arrangement visible for miles. After sunset, the hills glowed with the warm lambent light of candles, a congenial luminescence blending softly and seamlessly into the darkness, from its brightest to its dimmest point. Such a singularly beautiful panorama it was, its image won't soon degringolade from my mind's-eye, most surely. Whether surveying from the top of the hills looking down, or observing eye-level from the paths which ride the bases of the hillocks, the view was beautiful from no matter where you looked.

10月の初め頃、高知県津野町 次棚田キャンドル祭に行ってきました。津野町一面に広がる丘や棚田は点灯された5000本のキャンドルで装飾されていました。日が沈む瞬間の光景はとても美しかったです。キャンドルのゆらめく炎で照らされているところと、日が落ち暗いところの 明暗がはっきりしたあの光景は今でも私の目に焼き付いています。丘の上からはもちろんですが、どこからみても本当に素晴らしい情景が広がっていました。 翻訳;ジョンソン美生  

Photo and additional information from the Tourism Shikoku Facebook page: