Sunday, December 2, 2012

Starting from Udon うどんから紹介したら?

Japan's food culture is very very different from that of America.  Although we're slowly importing Japanese foods, they come slowly and first to major metropolitan areas like New York and Los Angeles.  Foods that many Americans find difficult to wrap their heads around include nattou, raw foods like sashimi and basashi, fish eggs, squid and octopus, and organ meat.  Of course individuals will vary in their tastes and sense of adventure.

There are some foods however which translate pretty well to the American palate: udon, ramen, dashimaki tamago, yakitori (momo or seseri), yakiniku.

It's quite common in America though, to be ethically opposed to eating animal products, including eggs.  That throws out most of the food that exists in Japan except for one.  Udon, if made with kombu dashi (instead of katsuo) is a pretty good starting point.  Don't forget that Naruto and other nerimono are made with fish bits though!



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